
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Just another Tuesday

Yesterday was stellar. If I had time to work out twice a day every day and still have a life, I would might be thin... I dropped much of the weekend bloat. I have no idea why my body does that, but I'm used to it.


Breakfast - yogurt & granola bar
Lunch - Home Chef Gorgonzola Pork Chop Almondine (this meal was a little more high calorie than most because of the Gorgonzola cheese, but it is perfect for lunch on a running day!)
Snack - Fresh strawberries & pineapple with some mixed nuts.
Dinner - Home Chef Beef Enchiladas. I haven't tried these yet, but I made the filling over the weekend and it looks good!


Ran at lunch today. I couldn't take another day on the treadmill so I convinced Godmother to go outside even though it was raining. I'm a bit of a drowned rat, but I don't regret it for a second.

I'm nervocited to try a new yoga class today. It is at the same place that I usually go it is just a different class. This one is more Pilates based and I think it will probably be more challenging. The room temp is still "just" 90 degrees though. I'm not ready to go back into the 100 degree class yet.


Today's Gwynnie dress with my own cardigan:
I'm not 100% they go together but I liked the combo so I went with it. Here's a selfie just because I'm feeling good and loving myself right now:
Even with the post workout hair and all my makeup run off... I am who I am and I'm finally getting cool with that.

I think I should be fine the rest of the day. As long as I can get myself to yoga (both Debster and Lizard are going as well), I don't foresee any challenges.



Gwen said...

YAY you! Cute selfie, too. Glad you are feeling better about yourself. :)

Sarah said...

Hey there pretty lady! And yay for yoga! Woot!


The Happy Whisk said...

Lookin' good!

PS: Love the tracker thing. So fun.